+44 (0)1795 470881 info@ridhamseaterminals.co.uk

Ridham Dock

Tel: 01795 470881

Email: info@ridhamseaterminals.co.uk

Contact Us

Getting to Ridham is a simple affair by road or rail.

By road, we are just off the A249 (Junction 5 off the M2) (junction 7 off the M20) headed north just before the bridge over the Swale. (See map below for more details).

By train our nearest station is Swale which is on the main line between Sittingbourne and Sheerness.

Directions from London on M2 or M20 take A249 for Sheerness

HGV / Satnav route  –  Private road with poor surface and liable to flooding

take exit for Ridham Dock

Turn left at r’bt

Turn right and follow road under road/rail bridge

Follow down and turn right onto brick surface road

Follow until r’bt at end

Turn left and continue to Maingate ahead [Security on LHS]

Visitors / Customers Alternative route  –  Private Maintained Road

take exit for Grovehurst / Iwade

Turn right at 1st r’bt [top of exit slip]

Over 2nd r’bt

Turn left 3rd r’bt

Turn right 4th r’bt  [Morrisons distribution is on LHS]

Over 5th r’bt

You will pass Countrystyle on your RHS and Knauf on your left.

Over 6th r’bt

Continue to Maingate ahead [Security on LHS]

Postcode is ME9 8SR

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